The Journey (English 1A and 1B) emphasizes the close reading of world literature and the preparation of a text for discussion. Students write frequently and in a number of forms, including expository essays and passage analyses, personal narratives and creative projects. Principles of English grammar are taught and reviewed. Required for 9th graders. (1 credit)
English 1A: Stories of Us is an exploration of stories and storytelling as cultural, social and spiritual awakenings of self. Students examine how these stories can be “mirrors and windows” that enable complex understandings of the world. From Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and The Epic of Gilgamesh, to Belle Yang’s graphic memoir Forget Sorrow: An Ancestral Tale, to the stories of their childhoods, students will dive into the cyclical nature of storytelling and why these story types persist. Students will practice generating claims and ideas primarily through Socratic discussions and small group activities. Writing will emphasize arguable, clear thesis statements and topic sentences, as well as selecting and integrating textual evidence to strengthen literary analysis.
English 1B: Journeys examines themes and problems related to the ways that departures, journeys and homecomings influence the formation and development of character and identity. Yaa Gyasi’s Homegoing forms the foundation of this exploration into the travels and travails of journey-making, as characters manage obstacles, friendships, family and their sense of home.