Planning for College by Grade
Urban’s College Counselors work closely with students and families as they navigate the college admissions process, and is designed to optimize both the students’ experience in high school and their options for college. Our objective is to ensure that each student has the preparation and the confidence to choose the college or university that best matches their goals, aspirations and talents. While some programming begins earlier, the College Counselors begin working individually with students during their 11th grade year. Please look through this guide to gather information and to explore the resources as you plan for the college admissions process.
9th Grade
9th Grade is All About Urban!
We encourage 9th grade students to get settled, work hard and get involved in the life of the school! College application time is still a long way away. While it is important to educate yourself about the college admissions process, the way to open doors to most colleges and universities is to have a successful high school experience. Challenge yourself both in and out of the classroom. Your teachers and advisors will be partnering with you as you explore your strengths, work to overcome what seems difficult, and discover your passions.
10th Grade
Meeting Recordings:
05.07.24 - Navigating College Admission Tests
02.08.24 - Athletic Recruiting in College Admissions
10th Grade Year Focuses on Exploration
Tenth graders should strengthen and deepen what you started last year. Keep exploring, but also think about getting more involved in the activities that you have come to enjoy the most.
Over the next two years, you will be taking some practice tests to determine what is right for you. We offer the PreACT in spring of 10th grade and the practice SAT, called the PSAT, in the fall of 11th grade year. These two practice tests will help you choose which exam may be right for you when and if you need to take it for college admissions.
Use the summer after 10th grade in a constructive way. Consider working, volunteering, enrolling in an enrichment class, or taking the time to more deeply pursue a passion.
Testing Information
College Board
11th Grade
Meeting Recordings:
03.26.24 - Financial Assistance for College
02.08.24 - Athletic Recruiting in College Admissions
12.10.24 - 11th Grade Parent/Guardian College Forum 2 (Passcode: !WDy?CZ8)
11th Grade: Starting the Process in Earnest!
During 11th grade is when the College Counseling process formally begins. During the second term, the College Counselors will work individually with you and will continue to do so until you select a college.
Our best advice: stay focused on and continue to make the most of high school. Perform as well as you possibly can with your challenging courses, get even more involved in your activities, become used to your role as the leaders in the school, and find time for your passions. It is a busy year and one in which you will probably grow significantly, both in and out of the classroom.
Planning Calendar
Winter and Into Spring
- Sign up for and attend an individual family meeting with your College Counselor.
- Consider doing SAT/ACT preparation.
- Begin doing the SAT Question of the Day.
- Register for the March, May or June SAT Reasoning test.
- Consider registering for the ACT in April or June.
- MaiaLearning, a web based program that is individualized to help you search, research and apply to college.
- Plan/visit colleges over interterm and/or Spring Break. Here is a list of college campus clusters to help you plan your travels. Here is a list of questions you may want to ask on your visits.
- If interested in playing sports in college, begin contacting coaches. Read Urban School's College Planning Guide for the Student Athlete.
- Attend the Bay Area Case Studies and College Fair program.
- Take the SAT Reasoning Test/ACT once.
- Meet individually with your College Counselor.
- Develop a preliminary list of colleges and actively research those colleges.
- Talk to Seniors about their recent experiences.
- Begin to look into financial aid. Attend workshops at Urban if applying for financial aid.
- Plan a constructive summer.
Resources for 11th Graders
General Information and College Search
- MaiaLearning –A web -based program that is individualized to help you search, research and apply to college.
- Unigo –College reviews by college students.
- College Board
- Big Future--A college-search tool from the College Board
- University of California
- California State University
- Colleges That Change Lives –A website for the non-proft dedicated to support for a student-centered college search process.
- Colleges with highest graduation rates for students of color
- Women's Colleges
- Historically Black Colleges
Senior Year
Meeting Recordings:
10.23.24 - Senior Parent/Guardian Financial Assistance Meeting (Passcode: j%Rb4&Pe)
09.17.24 - Senior Parent/Guardian College Meeting
Welcome to Senior Year!
This year promises to be a thrilling one – the culmination of many years of exploring, challenging yourself, growing, working hard, having fun, making friends and learning about you, both in and out of the classroom. Yes, college is looming, and it is something that will take up time and energy this year. But, remember to look around at where you are now, enjoy what you are doing, and appreciate all you have done to get here. Make the most of your last year at Urban!
You are most likely seeking to get into a “good college.” Whether a good college is one that nurtures your personality and style, one that has a strong Classics program, one where you can follow your passion for dance, or one where you love the location, the opportunity is yours to attend a good college.
A good school should be defined differently for every student. Your explorations, preparation and the choices you make this year will open the doors to a number of colleges where you will be able to learn, make friends and consider all kinds of possibilities for your future.
No doubt, there is pressure. Media, peers, parents, tutors, aunts and uncles… everyone seems to be an expert when it comes to college and there is no shortage of opinions and “facts.” Applying to college will be extra work on top of an already busy schedule. And, you will be asked to present yourself to strangers in intimidating formats.
But, you do have help. Everyone in your class is going through what you are going through and at the same time. Your parents can be wonderful resources and assistants in the process. Your teachers have years of experience helping students make this transition. And, your College Counselors are here to provide information, give you reminders, and hopefully be a voice of reason during what can be a confusing time.
In the end, you will have a sense of accomplishment and pride in all that you have done.
Summer Before Senior Year
- Parents email Parent Summer Questionnaire to your child's college counselor.
- In the first term of Senior year all students are enrolled in a college counseling class and will have dedicated time to work on college applications.
- Meet with your College Counselor.
- Continue to narrow down the list of colleges that you are planning to apply to. Enter your final list in MaiaLearning by the end of October.
- Register and take a second set of SAT’s in October, November or December; consider taking the ACT. SAT and ACT dates and deadlines.
- Attend meetings with college reps who visit Urban.
- For private colleges, work on the Common Application; organize supplements. Download and work on applications that are not on the Common Application.
- If you are applying Early Decision or Early Action, applications are often due early in November. Testing should be completed by October, and be sure to discuss your plans with your College Counselor and teachers by early October so they have time to write your recommendations and transcripts.
- Work on the University of California and California State University applications. UC applications need to be submitted in November; CSU applications should be submitted between October 1 and November 30.
- Ask teachers to write recommendations for you. Provide them with necessary forms.
- Work on essays. Seek advice from teachers, counselors and advisors. They will help you do your best work. For UC essay suggestions click here.
- Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center for Division I and II athletics.
- If you are applying for Financial Aid:
-- Familarize yourself with the financial aid process: Finaid and the College Board are good resources.
-- Attend the Financial Aid workshop at Urban
-- Gather information that will help you fill out financial aid forms.
-- Complete CSS Profile for each private college that requires it.
-- Begin working on the FAFSA. - Contact colleges to arrange interviews (not all colleges provide interviews.)
- Complete all applications by January 1.
- If applying for Financial Aid
-- Complete and submit the FAFSA and CSS Profile (for schools that require the Profile) - Complete and submit the Cal Grant GPA Verification form before March 2
- Make sure all of the colleges to which you applied have a complete application.
- Keep working and staying involved.
- Wait for decisions…this can be difficult!
- Most colleges will notify students about admissions decisions between March 1 and mid April.
- You will need to make your final decision by May 1.
- And finally, graduation!
Resources for Seniors
College Search/Information
These sites are those that Urban students have found most helpful in their college application and search process.
- MaiaLearning –A web -based program that is individualized to help you search, research and apply to college.
- National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) - NSSE obtains on an annual basis, information from hundreds of four-year colleges and universities nationwide about student participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development.
- Unigo – College reviews by college students.
- Big Future--A college search tool by the College Board
- University of California System
- California State University System
- Colleges with strong rates of graduation for students of color
- Colleges that Change Lives –A nonprofit dedicated to the advancement and support of a student-centered college search process.
- Women’s Colleges
- Historically Black Colleges and Universities
College Application Organizing
College Athletes
College Planning Information for the Student Athlete
For students wish to compete in college athletics or to propel their skill into financial assistance, we have prepared the Urban School Planning Guide for the Student Athlete to assist you in the college recruiting and admissions process.
NCAA Eligibility
Please click here to review the NCAA website and learn how about college eligibility, as well as recruitment guidelines for coaches and prospective student-athletes. All prospective student-athletes must complete the NCAA amateurism certification questionnaire.