Welcome from the Head of School

Urban School believes there is a better way to educate high school students.”

In an ever-changing world, schools, like families, find strength in their core values – the things that truly matter to them. As Urban considers how to best serve our students today and into their futures, we rely on a guiding set of principles.

We believe that a young person’s “success” cannot be measured or understood through flashy college acceptances or impressive GPAs; these are mere byproducts of an aspirational, multi-dimensional education that cultivate fundamental skills alongside more enduring qualities of mind and character: curiosity, empathy, optimism, determination, open-mindedness, creativity, analytical acuity and – more urgently than ever – an authentic investment in making our world a better place.

Easier said than done, of course. But, as you dig into the Urban website, note the commitment to sustained dialogue about complex topics; curricular freedom to ignite and honor student interest; myriad arenas for collaboration and innovation; and an authentic commitment to community engagement, equity and social justice. Most of all, sense if you can, the unique alchemy of the Urban culture – the joyful, purposefully engaged community of learners proud to be part of a singular institution ever restless to improve.

Ultimately, of course, I hope your interest in Urban can go beyond the virtual – that you’ll talk to current students and parents/guardians, ask alumni how their Urban lessons became life lessons, and find time to visit us in person. Until then, I wish you good health and continued energy and optimism to embrace the opportunities that lay ahead.

Dan Miller
Head of School

Dan Miller
Head of School

Dan was the Interim Head at the Crystal Springs Uplands School in 2018-2019 and the Head of the Wheeler School in Providence, Rhode Island from 2003 until 2017. Previously, Dan served as the Associate Head/Head of Upper School at Kent Denver School in Colorado (1997 - 2003), a Dean of Students at the Riverdale Country School in the Bronx (1993 - 1997) and a history teacher and coach at Saint Ann's School in Brooklyn (1985-1987). Dan received his B.A. from Amherst College
and his M.A. and Ph.D. in the History of American Civilization from Harvard University.

Recent Remarks by
Head of School Dan Miller

September 2024
- Back to School Night 2024

June 2024
- Graduation Remarks

September 2023
Back to School Night 2023

August 2023
Head of School Welcome: New Year's Resolutions

July 2023
Response to Supreme Court Decision on Affirmative Action

June 2023 
- Graduation Remarks